The Adventure Birding Company was founded on a desire to do things differently...
ad·ven·ture (noun) – an exciting or remarkable experience
Our goal with every outing is to help you see, learn about, and enjoy more birds. We specialize in making every birding experience an adventure in its own way. Maybe your idea of a birding "adventure" is awaking in a jungle lodge, with Keel-billed Toucans croaking overhead, while the sun breaks though the mist in a glorious tropical sunrise. Maybe it's plying the canyon trails of southeast Arizona, peering through sycamore leaves to reveal a perfectly framed scarlet-and-emerald Elegant Trogon. Or maybe it's just the thrill of catching your first glimpse of that luminous Hooded Oriole right outside the car window. To us, "Adventure Birding" is simply about the excitement of discovery, a concept that transcends all levels and styles of bird watching.
If you're strictly on a mission to add birds to your life list, we have the detailed knowledge needed for your best chance at spotting the rarest and most elusive species.
If you're looking for a richer overall birding experience, you've found the right folks for that as well. Our favorite aspect of guiding is truly teaching folks about birds and the world around them. We trust that this passion for birding and natural history will shine through on our tours.
We look forward to seeing you in the field!
John Yerger, Jake Mohlmann & Keith Kamper
Owners and Guides
Adventure Birding Company
For more information about our tours, please explore this website or contact us at:
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Phone: +1-877-BIRDERS (247-3377)